Monday 6 January 2020

Game #9 - A Shaker Card & DT Call


And welcome to the first challenge of 2020. 

We're delighted to welcome the winner of a previous challenge Vita Thai to guest with us for this challenge. Check out her bang on trend Frozen inspired shaker card:

Now isn't that just every little girl's - and not so little too - dream birthday card! Thanks Vita Thai for joining us as our Guest Designer.

Time to see what the multi talented and amazing DT have been creating:

Shaker card


Sarah G





And did you spot that Alli C has not made a card? Sadly due to personal and health reasons she's made the decision to step down from the DT. We will miss her fun and awesome cards and wish her a wonderful and happy new year.

So that means we have a vacancy for a new DT member.
Could that be you?

Check out our requirements and then if you fancy giving it a go add DT after your name when you link up your shaker card. The DT call will remain open throughout this challenge.

DT Call

1. You will have the time to make a birthday card each month to match the challenge theme.
2. You will have the time to leave positive comments on player link ups, one column will be assigned to you.
3. You will need a blog.
4. You will help choose the winner and runners up for each challenge by joining in with a voting system.
5. Desirable, but not essential, a facebook account.

Enter your lovely birthday cards below. We can't wait to see them.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter


  1. Shaker cards are my favorite! Thank you for the great Challenge and beautiful DT inspiration.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. We love to read your lovely comments.