Wednesday 15 March 2023

Winners #46 Use A Stencil(s)

 Hello and welcome!

It's time to announce the winners of our February Challenge - #46 Use A Stencil(s).

This theme was chosen by Jane D and here's her choice of winner:

Congratulations Ana!

Please grab our Winner badge to display on your blog and contact Jane to arrange a Guest Designer spot -

Top Three
in entry order

Congratulations to you all, please grab our Top Three badge to display on your blogs.

Our current challenge is #47 Stripes and/or Dots.

Be sure to check it all out and join in with the fun!

Peace & Hugs,

The AAA Birthday Team


  1. Thank you so much for picking my card as the winner. Congratulations to the lovely top 3 entries!

  2. Ooh thank you so much for picking my card as a Top 3! Congratulations to the winner & other Top 3's ... great cards!

  3. Congrats to Ana and the other winners. Thanks for picking my card too.


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