Thursday, 1 June 2023

Game #50 - Water Colours


Welcome to the June Challenge here at AAA Birthday.

We're delighted to welcome Ana as our guest designer this month and she has create the most beautiful birthday card to share with you.

Aren't the colours just delicious? Reminds me of candyfloss. Do go tell her how much you love her card and find out more details about how she created it on her blog - HERE.

And now to find out how the AAA Birthday DT have used water colours:

~taking an extended break~

How amazingly awesome are they? 
Go get your inks or paints and have fun!

Peace & Hugs

The AAA Birthday Team


  1. Absolutely love the design team inspiration. Thank you so much for having me as the GD!

    1. It's been our pleasure! :)

  2. Thank you for the gorgeous inspirations from the DT.

    1. Thanks for such a lovely comment. :) Jane x

  3. Wonderful examples ladies, well done!
    Have a sunny day today.
    Greetings, Wilma.


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