Saturday 15 June 2024

Winners Game #61 - CAS

  Hello and welcome!

It's time to announce the winners of our May Challenge - #61 CAS.

This theme was chosen by Helen and she has chosen her winner. 

#14 Karen

Congratulations Karen!

Please grab our Winner badge to display on your blog and contact Jane to arrange a Guest Designer spot -

Top Four
in entry order

Congratulations to you all, please grab our Top Four badge to display on your blogs.

Our current challenge is #62 Cute
Looking forward to seeing your card in the gallery!

Peace & Hugs,

The AAA Birthday Team


  1. Thanks so much for selecting my card!

  2. Wow thank you Helen that made my slightly rotten day much "betterer", congrats to Erin, Vicky, Arlene and Sue too

    1. sorry you have a crappy day, congrats on your win


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