Monday 3 February 2020

Game #10 - Cute

Before I get on to the new challenge can I just say how blown away we were by your response to the DT Call! We're busy visiting all the blogs of those who showed an interest in joining us and will be making a decision - a very difficult decision - shortly.

February already! 
And we're going all cute this month. So whatever cute means to you and whatever style of cards you like to create we're looking forward to finding out. All we ask is that as well as it being cute it's a birthday card.

We're delighted to welcome a previous winner as our Guest Designer this month -  Rachelle Oltean

Aww! Love the ladybug and those yummy colour choices.
Take a look at Rachelle's blog - HERE. And be sure to leave her a lovely comment too.

Time to find out what the AAA Birthday team consider to be cute. Wonder if it matches your idea or maybe gives you a whole new slant on cute.


Sarah G



Sorry no blog link  due to weather related technical difficulties.

Enter your cute birthday cards below. We can't wait to see them.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. We love to read your lovely comments.